Saturday, 6 August 2011

Power Functions @#$%&*@??

Okayy...i know its been quite a while since we studied this...hmm,around two weeks ago,maybe? yeahh,so let's recap!:) Power functions is bacially the SIMPLEST type of polynomial functions,not so powerful after all :P So, we are given this long freaky continuous polynomial expression like anxn + an-1xn-1 + ... + a2x2 + a1x + a0 You guys dont have to memorize that, so chill!:) just do a simple self-check by asking these questions to yourself:
1)what's a and n in a function?
2)what are the characteristics of a graph when a function is even or odd :
- x-intercept
- y-intercept
-symmetry = line/point
-end behaviour
3)the quadrants (this is important! always get them mixed up:/)

IF you know all these,then you are safe,for now at least:)

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